Mo. 28 Jan. 2019 | 17:00–19:00

Draw Me a Revolution: Aesthetics of Solidarity in the Trenches of Arab Hanoi
Zeina Maasri (University of Brighton)
Mo. 28 Jan. 2019 – Di. 29 Jan. 2019

Cape Verde and the Atlantic: Crossroads of People, Goods and Capital Investments (1460-1610)
Organized by Carlo Taviani (Rome) and others in cooperation with Villa I Tatti – The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies, the …
Mo. 21 Jan. 2019 | 17:00–19:00

Crafting Experience: Exemplarity and Reproduction in Pan (1895–1900)
Max Koss (University of Chicago/ CAHIM Fellow 2018/19)
Mo. 14 Jan. 2019 | 17:00–19:00

Ten Noble Hounds: Pictorial Monuments and Qing Authority in Frontier Areas
Lianming Wang (Universität Heidelberg/ Art Histories Fellow 2018/19)
Mo. 17 Dez. 2018 | 17:00–19:00

Porte dorée, Ghetto dorée, L’or fétiche. African Presence and Being in Postwar Paris, c. 1950
Daniel Horn (Museum Rietberg, Zurich/ Art Histories Fellow 2018/19)
Mo. 10 Dez. 2018 | 17:00–19:00

The Amber-Jaipur Workshop in the Eighteenth Century: Paintings, Art Market and Collecting Practices
Shailka Mishra (Independent Scholar, New Delhi/ Art Histories Fellow 2018/19)
Mo. 03 Dez. 2018 | 17:00–19:00

Practices of Art Collecting and Circulation in Colonial India
Regina Höfer (Universität Bonn/ CAHIM Fellow 2018/19)
Mo. 26 Nov. 2018 | 17:00–19:00

Multi-, Paraline, Perspectival, and Photographic Views: Travelling Images of the Islamic Pilgrimage and Visitation Sites
Sabiha Göloğlu (Koç University, Istanbul/ CAHIM Fellow 2018/19)
Mo. 12 Nov. 2018 | 17:00–19:00

Mo. 08 Okt. 2018 – Di. 30 Okt. 2018

Mo. 11 Juni 2018 | 09:00–18:00

Mi. 31 Jan. 2018 – Do. 01 Feb. 2018

Working Through Colonial Photography
Organized by Hannah Baader (KHI in Florenz – Max-Planck-Institut / Art Histories and Aesthetic Practices), Eva Ehninger (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) and …
Sa. 30 Sept. 2017 – So. 08 Okt. 2017

Mobility: Objects, Materials, Concepts, Actors
The Transregional Academy on Latin American Art II is led by a group of scholars, among others: Gabriela Siracusano and Diana Wechsler (both UNTREF, Buenos …
Mo. 17 Juli 2017 | 15:00–17:00

Do. 13 Juli 2017 | 13:00–15:00

The Biography of an 11th Century Ghaznavid Qur’an: Form, Function and Circulation
Alya Karame (Islamic Art Museum Berlin) in cooperation with the research program “Connecting Art Histories and the Museum” (CAHIM).
Mo. 03 Juli 2017 | 15:00–17:00

Vital Voids: Cavities and Holes in Mesoamerican Material Culture
Andrew Finegold (University of Illinois Chicago) in cooperation with the research program “Connecting Art Histories in the Museum” (CAHIM).
Mo. 26 Juni 2017 | 15:00–17:00

Exotic and Domestic: The Consumption of Bronze Mirrors in the Inner Asian Frontiers (300 BCE–300 CE)
Yanlong Guo (University of British Columbia, Canada/ Art Histories Fellow 2016/17)
Do. 22 Juni 2017 – Fr. 23 Juni 2017

Landscapes of the Long 18th Century: Mediating Place and Memory in South Asia and Beyond
Organized by Hannah Baader and Dipti Khera (NYU/ Art Histories Fellow 2015/16)