Mi. 21 Juni 2017 | 18:00–20:00

Mo. 12 Juni 2017 | 16:00–18:00

Making Place for the World – Art History’s Unresolved Epistemic Frontiers
Monica Juneja (Chair of Global Art History at the University of Heidelberg / Art Histories Guest Scholar 2017)
Mo. 29 Mai 2017 | 16:00–18:00

Visual Studies in the Cybernetic Age. Human Solidarity and Engineered Civilization in György Kepes’s Socially-Oriented Media Art Practice
Márton Orosz (Vasarely Museum, Budapest/ Art Histories Fellow 2016/17)
Mo. 08 Mai 2017 | 15:00–17:00

Congolese Representations of the Female in Motion
Lesley Nicole Braun (University of Montreal / Art Histories Fellow 2016/17)
Mo. 24 Apr. 2017 | 15:00–21:00

Negotiating Cultural Heritage: Making, Sustaining, Breaking, Sharing
A cooperation between Art Histories and Aesthetic Practices, Cluster of Excellence “Asia and Europe in a Global Context”, Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, …
Do. 20 Apr. 2017 | 13:00–17:00

Histories of Art and Art as History in Contemporary Southeast Asia
Wulandani Dirgantoro (Art Histories Fellow 2016/17), Kevin Chua (Texas Tech University, USA), Pamela Corey (SOAS University of London), Amanda Katherine Rath …
Mo. 03 Apr. 2017 | 15:00–17:00

The Art of Infrastructure: The German Construction of the Ottoman Railway Network
Peter H. Christensen (University of Rochester/ Art Histories Fellow 2016/17)
Mo. 27 März 2017 | 15:00–17:00

The Forgetting of Space in Latent Worlds: Gandhi and the Architecture of Ecological Silence in 20th Century India
Venugopal Maddipati (Ambedkar University, New Delhi/ Art Histories Fellow 2016/17)
Mi. 22 März 2017 | 14:00–16:00

Fr. 17 Feb. 2017 – Mi. 01 März 2017

Aesthetic Practices and Geographies of Time in Central Mexico
From Pre-Columbian Cultures to Early Colonialism, Modernity and the Contemporary
Mo. 13 Feb. 2017 | 10:00–12:00

From Brasília to Quezon City – and from Manila to Rio de Janeiro: (Post-)Colonial Brazilian and Philippine arts
Jens Baumgarten (Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo, Brazil)
Do. 15 Dez. 2016 | 08:00–11:00

Knowledge Production and Cultural Transfers: Latin America in Transregional Contexts
With researchers and librarians of the Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut (IAI): Barbara Göbel, Iken Paap, Ricarda Musser, and Friedrich Schmidt-Welle
Mo. 12 Dez. 2016 – Di. 13 Dez. 2016

Mo. 05 Dez. 2016 | 13:00–15:00

The Mediation of Intricacy. Medium, Representation and Authorship in Late fifteenth-century Persian Painting
Lamia Balafrej (Wellesley College, MA/ Art Histories Fellow 2016/17)
Do. 17 Nov. 2016 | 16:00–18:00

Artistic Agency and Pre-modern Indian Sculpture Towards a View ‘from Below’
Sarada Natarajan (Shiv Nadar University, Uttar Pradesh/ Art Histories Fellow 2016/17)
Do. 10 Nov. 2016 | 16:00–18:00

Memory and the Avant-Garde: Trauma in Indonesian Visual Arts 1970-1990
Wulandani Dirgantoro (Art Histories Fellow 2016/17)
Do. 03 Nov. 2016 | 16:00–18:00

Engaging Preclassic Maya Visual Configurations at San Bartolo, Guatemala
Sanja Savkic (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México/ Art Histories Fellow 2016/17)
Mi. 12 Okt. 2016 – Fr. 14 Okt. 2016

Making, Sustaining, Breaking – The Politics Of Heritage And Culture
Forum Transregionale Studien, Max Weber Stiftung, Cluster Asia and Europe in a Global Context (Universität Heidelberg), Deutsches Archäologisches Institut