Mi. 01 Juli 2015 | 11:00–13:00

Mi. 24 Juni 2015 | 16:00–18:00

Travellers, Artists, Readers: Re-interpreting Ottoman Costume Albums
William Kynan-Wilson (Art Histories Fellow 2014/15)
Mi. 24 Juni 2015 | 12:00–13:30

Mi. 17 Juni 2015 | 11:00–13:00

Iranian Art in the 1960s: An Alternative Modernism?
Combiz Mousavi Aghdam (Affiliated KHI Fellow 2015)
Do. 11 Juni 2015 | 15:00–20:00

Museum, Power, and Identity
The WeberWorldCafé is organized within the framework of Art Histories and Aesthetic Practices, a research program at the Forum Transregionale Studien, and in …
Mi. 10 Juni 2015 | 11:00–13:00

Chinese Images for Commemorative Painting in the Late Chosŏn Dynasty, Korea
A Transcultural Approach to Chosŏn Art and Visual Culture by Yoonjung Seo (Art Histories Fellow 2014/15)
So. 10 Mai 2015 – Fr. 22 Mai 2015

From Traditional to Contemporary Aesthetic Practices in West Africa, Benin and Togo
Organized in collaboration with Romuald Tchibozo (Université d'Abomey-Calavi) and Suzanne Preston Blier (Harvard University, Cambridge)
Mi. 22 Apr. 2015 | 17:00–19:00

How do Archaeological Artifacts Gain Value? From the Ottoman Empire to Contemporary Iconographies of Iconoclasm
Wendy Shaw (Freie Universität Berlin), Moderation: Hannah Baader (Art Histories and Aesthetic Practices/ KHI Florenz – MPI)
Mi. 15 Apr. 2015 | 11:00–13:00

Postcolonial Modernism: Possible Methodologies for a Transcultural History of Art
Atreyee Gupta (Art Histories Fellow 2014/15)
Di. 24 März 2015 | 18:00–20:00

Body and Empire. A Conversation
Darcy Grimaldo Grigsby and Sugata Ray (both University of California, Berkeley)
Mo. 23 März 2015 | 17:00–18:30

Praying for Myriad Virtues: On Ding Guanpeng’s The Buddha Preaching in the Berlin Collection
Ching-Ling Wang (Museum für Asiatische Kunst, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin/ CAHIM Fellow 2012/13)
Fr. 06 Feb. 2015 – Sa. 07 Feb. 2015

Art Histories and Terminologies II
In collaboration with Monica Juneja (University of Heidelberg/ Cluster of Excellence, Asia and Europe in a Global Context)
Di. 13 Jan. 2015 – Fr. 16 Jan. 2015

African Art in Paris: Collections, Objects and Aesthetic Practices, from the Traditional to the Contemporary
Hannah Baader und Gerhard Wolf in collaboration with Romuald Tchibozo (Université d'Abomey-Calavi) and Suzanne Blier (Harvard University).
Mi. 07 Jan. 2015 | 11:00–13:00

Only bad news on Radio Africa? Transformations in the history of Africa since World War II
Andreas Eckert, Chair African History, Director KHK “Work and Human Life Course in Global History” at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, and Chairman of the …
Mi. 10 Dez. 2014 | 10:00–12:00

The Qur’an, Politics and Power: Ornament, Calligraphy and Religious Spaces in Mamluk Cairo
Peter Webb (Art Histories Fellow 2014/15)
Mi. 03 Dez. 2014 | 10:00–12:00

Revolutionary Modernism? Architecture and the Politics of Transition in Egypt, 1936-1967
Mohamed Elshahed (Art Histories Fellow 2014/15)
Di. 11 Nov. 2014 – Mo. 10 Nov. 2014

“Relief Painting”: Buddhist Mural Arts and Their Beholders in Early Medieval China
Yudong Wang (Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts/ Art Histories Fellow 2014/15)
Mi. 05 Nov. 2014 | 10:00–12:00

Following the Clues of the English Iconoclast Corsairs in Spanish America. Context Overview and the Case of Santo Domingo Attack
Roxana Nakashima (Art Histories Fellows 2014/15)